I never liked spinning cotton before and I hate it even more now. I can’t do it if I’m the least bit tired. I tried to spin yesterday when I had a few minutes and I broke more yarn than got on the bobbin. I still haven’t had a chance to do much with the charka, I hope to have some time next week to take it over to the library. It’s been too windy to sit outside and spin. Sometime when I’m not tired and not driving all over creation or any number of other non-textile things. I stopped by the office yesterday afternoon for what I thought would be just a minute or two and ended up spending the next several hours with a soldering iron (and remembering why I will never make it as an electronics tech.) So much for getting any spinning done. But all that stuff gets shipped off Monday, with the people soon thereafter. I could go spin in the office while they are gone. Daylight! Open windows!

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© 2004-2007 Andrea Longo
spinnyspinny at feorlen dot org