Posts tagged ‘judging’

Ok, so I’m lame and I haven’t updated anything in weeks. I’ve been, you know, like, busy. I had a lovely about two weeks after I got the box out the door and then Real Life started to intrude in a big way. (I’m writing this from my sister’s spare bedroom in New Jersey, in town for a family funeral. Yes, it was expected, we are sad but relieved, thank you for asking.)

I got some clothes made and managed to spin all of a half a bobbin of mindless project yarn and did some indigo vats on a fiber camping trip. While I was on said camping trip, up in the Sierras where cellphone towers dare not go, I got a phone call from the COE registrar. Actually, I got several but she didn’t leave a message until later and I didn’t get it until the next day. (I was checking messages daily — in the middle of all this, The Boyfriend was off doing disaster relief in Mississippi. Neither of us had reliable phone service.) She was calling to tell me I passed, and had tried several times to reach me over the weekend because the judges were interested in talking to me. They eventually went searching the Internet and found this website.

So it’s really done now, and I passed. I actually wasn’t thinking too much about that because either outcome would have told me much about how the process works. But I did, and I’ll have lots more to say on that as I finish writing about my experience. I got many comments on my submission, some that I agree with, some I don’t and a few I have serious questions about. In general, the examiners were impressed with the quantity of teeny tiny yarn but not as much with the traditional style yarns I prefer to spin. I have been declared boring. They think I did a few really interesting things, many technically challenging things but my novelty yarns aren’t novelty enough. Considering that I hate novelty yarns and did little with them before this project, I’m not exactly surprised.

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© 2004-2007 Andrea Longo
spinnyspinny at feorlen dot org