Yes, yes, I’ve been seriously lax. It has a lot to do with that Real Job I got a while back. But things have settled in and I’ve started thinking about the website again. I’ve lately been only sewing regular clothes (now four sizes smaller, yay!) which I find mostly boring to talk about. I realize that it’s still a fairly unusual activity these days, but as far as I’m concerned it’s at about the level of blogging what I made for dinner. Yawn.

Stage One of the Great Website Re-Do is complete:

The new server arrived, and while there are a few details to straighten out with my order from the Apple Store (like they sent me the wrong damn operating system version?!) it’s happily running on the internal network while I get it configured to my liking. (Thank you, Developer Seeding.) When this is done I’ll have an actual normal blog. I’m sure re-implementing RSS would be an interesting intellectual exercise, but I’m over it. WordPress, here we come.

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© 2004-2007 Andrea Longo
spinnyspinny at feorlen dot org